Red Deer

Websites you didn’t know you needed

Websites you didn’t know you needed

Jun 14, 2024 | 9:03am
I’m back with the third installment of Websites You Didn’t Know You Needed. I thought I’d do it every week, but sometimes it’s tough to find truly inspiring websites to share with you. Now I’m not sure I’ll ever find another website better than this one! This one is more of an extension for your […]
It’s festival season and you NEED these tips.

It’s festival season and you NEED these tips.

Jun 11, 2024 | 7:59am
One of the best parts of summer is festival season. Mostly in Canada. Down in the warmer parts of the USA, it began a while ago. But typically it really ramps up in the middle of May here. I’ve been to my share of festivals throughout my life so I have some tips if you […]
Websites you didn’t know you needed

Websites you didn’t know you needed

May 31, 2024 | 10:58am
I did it! I actually followed up on a blog series! This week’s website you didn’t know you needed it This site gives you 1000’s of flash games and videos that have long since gone away. Or so you thought. Flash has been gone for over three years now and this site gives you […]
It’s not too late to plan your summer vacation!

It’s not too late to plan your summer vacation!

May 27, 2024 | 9:01am
There are two types of people in this world. Those who plan their vacations well in advance and those who wait until the very last second. I’m definitely the latter. It never fails, each year my wife and I wait until the last second to decide to do something and everything is booked. Well, great […]
Websites you didn’t know you needed

Websites you didn’t know you needed

May 23, 2024 | 8:34am
This is the inaugural blog of a new series of blogs that I likely won’t follow through with. There are so many website out there that we don’t know about. Some are useful, other are completely useless, but so many of them are fun! Today’s website that you didn’t know you needed is a bit […]
Are tacos sandwiches?

Are tacos sandwiches?

May 17, 2024 | 8:06am
An Indiana Judge has ruled that they are. Burritos, too! But this leads to many more questions. The age old one, are hotdogs sandwiches? Yes, they are. Are hamburgers sandwiches? Yes, they are. A donair is a sandwich, too. This one may be the most controversial opinion. Lasagna is cake. That’s it, that’s the blog.
You can tell a lot about a person with these 3 things!

You can tell a lot about a person with these 3 things!

Apr 11, 2024 | 8:11am
More often than not people will ask you about your favourite things. What is your favourite food? If you were stuck on an island, what three albums would you have with you? Are you a cat or a dog person? The questions are endless. Often these questions are a positive approach to things. But I […]