Every year I act like I’m not looking forward to it, but I am.
I love trying to come up with new costume ideas. Although I don’t do it as often or as much as I’d like, I love decorating for it. I love handing out treats and seeing how excited the kids are. I also really liked when I went out with my kids and people would give me a beer!
There is nothing quite like finding the right costume though. I wish I had more pictures of some of my costumes throughout the years. One that stand out that I’m missing is an offensive one from 2011. I won’t go in to too much detail, but the mask is one of the pictures below and I wore it with a pope outfit.
Anyway, here are a few pictures from through out the years that I do have.

This is a great sailor outfit. I’m too fat for it now!

Halloween and Christmas go very well together!

I held this pose for pretty much every picture this year, you know, because that’s how scarecrows stand. I regret it.

This Oompa Loompa costume is one of my least favourites. But since I’m short and I needed something in a pinch, it worked.

I had this mask custom made. It glued to my face so it would move when I talked. I’ve thought about bringing it back, but I have to shave to wear it. I can’t do that!

I like to recycle and combine costumes from throughout the years, which is what this one is. Anything with a clown costume is terrifying.

Masks suck to wear when it’s cold outside. For a store bought costume, this one was decent.

I even straightened my hair to be Silent Bob.

I loved this costume! I had my friend do my make up, I bought contacts, I went all out this year. Then I didn’t wash my face good enough that night and had a crazy allergic reaction to the glue she used that made my face swell up so much that I couldn’t see for a day and a half.

That is my real hair. It took two boxes of bleach to get it looking like this. The Knee brace was the icing on the cake!