Career Day – Hazardous Materials Cleanup Specialists

What happens when you have a REALLY big mess? The kind that perhaps involves *ahem* gross, dangerous, or biohazardous materials? The kind of mess where you don’t even know where to begin cleaning?

That’s when you call in the pros, like our Career Day guests this week. Dean and Jeanette May are a husband & wife duo who run Mayken Hazmat Solutions. They specialize in dealing with drug-contaminated properties and vehicles, crime scenes, and hoarders.

A hoarder property before cleaning by Mayken.

These are the types of messes Dean and Jeanette walk into, and when they walk out at the end of the job, the place looks like this:

The same property after cleaning by Mayken.

We had a great chat with the Mays about what they’ve found while cleaning, how they deal with some of the darker parts of the job, and the attitude it takes to do this kind of job.

Click the Spotify link to hear the full Career Day interview!

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