Do you ever sit at your desk and imagine a competition between different water soda flavours and think about who would come out on top? No? Just me? Should I be working instead of doing this??
My brother and I have been arguing for what seems like months over this one simple question – what is the definitive best bubly flavour??? Impossible question, right? How can you not love all of them?!? But after months of research (and many, many trips to deposit my empty cans) I have now determined the DEFININITVE list of bubly flavours. No one else is right, this is the only correct list in this world and you must treat it like the new new testament.
(Or you fight me in the comment sections, I don’t care. But I am right!)
Below is your definitive ranking of Canadian bubly flavours and a few thoughts of my own. (Tbh I would drink any bubly, but DARN IT WE GOTTA FIGHT ABOUT THE FLAVOURS)
1 – Cherry
This is a controversial pick at number 1. Some people despise cherry, and some people love it, and I am one of those people (sorry, Matt Berry.) The amount of flavour you are given in just ONE can of cherry bubly is unmatched, and that is why it sticks at the top spot on the list. Also, this is the right amount of cherry flavouring. It’s just *chefs kiss* perfect.
2- Blackberry
At number two, it’s a staple, blackberry. This flavour blew me away when it launched, and it gets its due at number two. Similar flavour to cherry, no shock that it’s at number two, and MAN is that a refreshing beverage. This one tastes similar to cherry, in that it just slaps you with blackberry taste and its great! 10/10
3 – Lime
Number three is a classic. Lime is perfect for drinking on it’s own, or mixing with any sort of special alcoholic beverages you’ve got kicking around the house. How good is a bubly mixed to taste like a mojito? I don’t think I’ve ever tried a lime soda bevy that I haven’t enjoyed, and lime is an easy elite pick.
4 – Grapefruit
Grapefruit falls on my list at four – mix it with a little bit of vodka and some fruit flavouring, and you’ve got yourself a beauty discount cocktail. Plus, it’s always readily available at most stores. Lime and grapefruit are classic “sodawater” flavours and they hit it out of the park here, no doubt.
5 – Pineapple
Pineapple is fine. There is something a little off about the aftertaste with this one, but it’s a solid one if the “elite” picks aren’t available.
6 – Merry Berry
To be honest, this would have joined the elite tier if it wasn’t for the fact THEY SOLD OUT AND WE COULDN’T GET MORE! I maybe tried 2-3 of these this Christmas before they sold out. Darn limited time offerings! Solid taste, and I really appreciated the holiday can as well.
7 – Peach
Peach is… peach. It tastes like peach rings a bit, which isn’t my favourite, but it lands solidly in the middle. Does taste great with some peach schnapps.
8 – Raspberry
To be honest, all I can think about when I drink this is the “raspberry nestle” you used to get at Wal-Mart and it makes me uncomfortable. I don’t like the taste of fake raspberry, but it’s… fine. Not as good as the other berries, but a solid pick and that is why it falls at 8.
9 – Coconut Pineapple
The only redeeming quality I can find on coconut pineapple is that it goes great with malibu, lol. Something about it reminds me of the smell of cheap sunscreen you’d buy at a CVS in the United States. Not for me, but a great drink mixer.
10 – Mango
There is a weird after taste with mango – and this is controversial. As I was writing my list, a BUNCH of other rankings had Mango in their top 5. I wouldn’t put it there, and especially when you compare it to another similar taste (pineapple or peach) it just doesn’t match up! I needed more!
11 – Apple
I want to like apple. But if I have my pick of ALL of the different bubly flavours, apple just isn’t high on my list. It’s… just not an appealing flavour. Especially when you can compare it to the other tiers.
12 – Watermelon
Why does this taste like mint?! If you taste closely, something feels off about watermelon. I like the idea of a watermelon drink in principle, but this didn’t land. When you think fake watermelon, you think of like watermelon candies or something…. And this doesn’t smell or taste like it? But it also doesn’t taste like real watermelon. Maybe my taste buds are pooched, but this one has never landed for me.
13 – Orange
14 – Strawberry
Just…. No. Neither of these flavours taste good at all. I will stand up for my beliefs and fight that both of these are the worst flavours. There is a reason that you see them at Costco or stocked full at the grocery store. I want orange to taste like McDonalds drink used to in the day, and it’s not strong enough. Not for me. And Strawberry…. My issue with this is that is in no way close to the taste of a Strawberry. I WANT MORE! Whenever you buy a costco mix pack of bubly, you just know that these two are the ones left after the other flavours have been drank.
(I am being dramatic, I would drink these if I *had* to, but I would not choose them.) Anyways, thanks for reading and honestly JUST DRINK MORE WATER FAM, IT’S HEALTHIER THAN POP!!!